Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Political Action Plan

As a group, we have chosen not support this bill because their is a lack of guidelines on what determines pregnancy, and intentional abortion versus miscarriage and unintentional abortion. This could also make abortion clinics harder to access to women and potentially become more expensive. We think that instead of having a harsh penalty for abortion, there should be more education and resources for women in schools and in low-income communities. There is a increased health risk for women who choose not to seek medical attention after unintentional and intentional abortions in fear of being charged with a class 4 felony.

The steps that we took to develop our political action plan include:
  • Seeking information and relevant legislature on the topic from the National Abortion Federation and other organizations.
  • Identified key stakeholder that are affected by a change in the policy
  • Wrote to congressman supporting the bill and a therapist from a local pregnancy center

"Congressional attacks on reproductive rights have intensified in recent years, and opponents of choice continue to introduce legislation that would restrict access to safe abortion for low-income women and teens, promote political agendas over sound medical science, and interfere with the physician-patient relationship. Pro-choice advocates are also seeking new opportunities to expand access to abortion care and family planning services and to ensure that women receive comprehensive, medically accurate information."

Source: www.prochoice.org


  1. Your reasons for not supporting this bill make sense. A woman who is pregnant and who doesn't want to keep the child will already be scared or confused, and having to worry about whether or not they will be persecuted for their actions will only scare them more. Education and teaching seems to be the best way to keep this from happening.

  2. Christina, I agree. Education and teaching the public is the way to prevent intentional and unintentional abortions. Passing this law would scare women even more and would prevent them from seeking medical treatments because of the fear of being prosecuted.
